Research of Pattern

 Research of Pattern

    The patterns on the CTS is the only indications of how the pad can be interact. And it is using the multiple simple patterns, such as rectangle, triangle and circle. I feel like these patterns are kind boring, they do not have specially meaning in them. So, I think maybe I can use some meaningful pattern to design the layout for the sensor. 

    When I talked these to my advisor Professor Polyak about meaningful patterns, he recommended Chinese Paper Cutting. (Figure.1) In Chinese Paper Cutting, it gives simple patterns special meanings, such as Sun, Moon and Water Drop. These kind complicate images on the right side of Figure.1 are formed by the repetition of simple patterns. And simple patterns can be modify as the input area of CTS. It can transform a  digital controller into a beautiful artwork.

    Besides Chinese Paper Cutting, there are other types of fabric artworks. Like Chinese traditional scarves.(Figure.2 and 3) These two images contain more culture elements and it is kind of the epitome of a culture. If I can combine this artwork with the technology of CTS, I can turn this beautiful artwork into a digital product.   

                                            Figure.2                                                 Figure.3
    On the other hand, these type of artworks are deeply attracting cross-culture people, it can bring a complete new experience and feeling to them. Also, it is one of the way to promote one culture to another culture's people.
    Here is a example of using modern technology to reappear the beauty of ancient artwork of China. This is Yu Ma's master thesis project, she use VR animation to recreate Chinese ink wash painting and the user can interact with the environment through VR. It creates a strong immersive experience and it help people to learn Chinese culture through experiencing it.   

    There is another master student's project that help people to learn culture. WeiCheng Liu is the former Digital media student in Drexel university. His thesis is to Supporting Learning for Art Museum Visitors with Visual AR Overlays Applied to a Long Scroll Painting. There is one thing that is common to both Yu Ma's and Weicheng's thesis is to use modern technology to help user to learn their culture. 



Designing With Multiple Interactives: Five Common Pitfalls

New Image Patterns

My Research