Wrap something with sensor

    Professor Diefenbach mentioned I should talk a loot 3D interface instead of just focusing design interface on a flat 2D surface in Wednesday meeting.
    Then, I came out some ideas of wrap something with the fabric sensor. First, I think the water bottle might be a good choice to wrap with the sensor. Assume the paper that has brand on is the sensor, I use it to wrap the bottle, and assign the input on it. It will just not be a simple water bottle, it becomes "smarter".

    The second idea is use it on a cube. Cube has 6 faces, and it can be break to shape like this. I think a lot people are familiar with this shape. Assume the shape of the sensor is similar to the shape of their image. The user can choose to use it as a flat interface, fold it into a cube and use it or maybe use the sensor to wrap a cube object. And each face has it is own input layout, it can be use for control many things. 
I taped my sensors on my storage box, although it  looks kind bad, it should serve as kind the prove of the concept.



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